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Thread: Are You Going to Buy the Samsung Galaxy S5?

  1. #1
    Still Getting Familiar
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    Jan 2014

    Are You Going to Buy the Samsung Galaxy S5?

    I just recently got the S4 last month and I have written it off for now seeing that it would be too early to put aside my S4. However, I am quite anticipating the release of the S5. Circulating rumors say the new phone will be taking a different route away from the S3 and S4 in terms of design, going all metal or rather have an all aluminum ch***is. I also hear things like it will go 4K in resolution and have longer battery life and less charging time. Plus of course other new features will be added not teased to the public yet.

    Are you going to be buying the Samsung Galaxy S5 when it reportedly comes out this spring? What features do you like or would like to see implemented that would make you buy it?

  2. #2
    Familiar User
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    Jan 2014

    Re: Are You Going to Buy the Samsung Galaxy S5?

    I'm really excited about this new Galaxy S. Mainly because of the screen resolution. And with the new version of android 4.4 Kitkat, this will be one of the best and fastest phones on the market.

  3. #3
    Familiar User
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    Jan 2014

    Re: Are You Going to Buy the Samsung Galaxy S5?

    If they will go the HTC One route in terms of build materials, I will buy it. Samsung is at the top of the smartphone game, and when they will chose better materials for their flagship phones, I'll be a happy customer.

  4. #4
    Still Getting Familiar
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    Jan 2014

    Re: Are You Going to Buy the Samsung Galaxy S5?

    Right now I have a Samsung Galaxy Tablet 3 and I love it, so I will not change it for a while. If in the future I need to replace it I probably will go with the same brand. I love all the features that my tablet has to offer and am getting used to all it's functions . Could not be an happier!!

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